Eye Twelve

Back Again

Back from the far east (Ann Arbor), Adam is once again a resident of I-12. He moved in on Thursday night, and is planning on staying the rest of the summer. The apartment is a bit full right now with 5+ residents, but that’s all part of the atmosphere.

A Leafy Mess


Yep, you guessed right. That’s Christina with a grubby bucket inside the I12 kitchen. The important thing to note is the bucket is filled with leaves and other organic material collected from a pond in the Calvin College ecosystem preserve. Christina is currently conducting an environmental assessment of animal life in the ponds. An evaluation and appraisal of the project will be forthcoming.



The week and a half mark has past. Being away from I12 is taking its toll. I can’t eat, sleep, or even think anymore. So it’s not that bad, but I do miss the stablizing surrounding of I12. Therefore, I will be returning home this weekend. I would post pictures of my progress, but I forgot the cable and they would probably come out all funny looking.

Food Pyrmid


Since people are into food pyrmids at i 12, the news of a new food pyramid has created quite a stir. although one resedent was heard saying “I dont really get into the pyramid maby because im used to the food rainbow” refering to the canadian equivilent to the food pyramid. The new prymid features an excersing stick figure in order to incorage people to be really skinny.



Well, the days of Fishy have long since passed. Geosense, the online world geography game, has now taken over as the most popular and played online game in I 12. There are various boards and levels to choose from and even a multiplayer option. Check it out to see the world of geography you are missing out on.

Rotten Rice


Neil cleaning up the mess.

Rice rots. That was the new discovery I 12 found out tonight when opening the rice cooker. A brief look into the cooker revealed a vast array of maggots, larva, mold, and a terrible stench. Neil valiantly saved the day by rushing the cooker to the dumpster and ridding it of our unwanted guests. The cooker was spotlessly cleaned but the rice spoon was not salvageable.


Bored? Have too much time on your hands? Find yourself wondering about amlessly on the internet? here is the answer: work on proof reading for the Christian Classics Etherial Library which is a really usefull online collection of Chrisitian literature. They need people to correct scanned pages which you can do here. It has the added benifit that you can read some good liturature while you work.

Other Wedding

Soon Christina & I’s webpage will be up. but if you haveing truble waiting you can check out the webgallery of a wedding of another Sam and Christina. Actually its two weddings one involving eloping in a hot air balloon and another cermony involving standing in a circle of flowers. Neather method which we will employ.