Eye Twelve

Rotten Rice

Neil cleaning up the mess.

Rice rots. That was the new discovery I 12 found out tonight when opening the rice cooker. A brief look into the cooker revealed a vast array of maggots, larva, mold, and a terrible stench. Neil valiantly saved the day by rushing the cooker to the dumpster and ridding it of our unwanted guests. The cooker was spotlessly cleaned but the rice spoon was not salvageable.



2005-03-29 20:36:43
What a hero, that Neil. He rushes forward to save the day, like a valient knight of old. Or maybe he just wished he was a knight, so he could have been wearing a suit of armor to protect himself from the rice.


2005-04-03 22:53:13
We also boiled water in the cooker for a few hours to help sterilize it. After a reinspection of the rice cooker cleanliness, Joel’s ricecooker was still deemed unsanitary to cook rice of and Mitch’s ricecooker was used for the Stir Fry Feast.

Eye Twelve » Blog Archive » Kitchen Cleaning

2006-01-19 00:38:12
[…] So what does potato leek soup smell like after its been sitting out for close to a month? Really bad. That’s the recent discovery here after cleaning the kitchen and finding the month old brew. Sort of brings back memories from those fond old days back in I12. […]